Elise A. Ralph, PhD

collecting, mining, analyzing, modeling, visualizing, and machine-learning data for over 35 years.


21st century design is interactive

A graphics designer contacted me about making one of her images interactive. She was working with the EU and wanted to make a single-page that presented a lot of qualitative information. Using her file, created in photoshop, and a spreadsheet of survey results, I made a smoothly changing image.

The Splendid Splinter

Amidst the deep forest green seats at Fenway Park, a bright red seat in deep right center field stands out. Seat 21 in Section 42, Row 37, is an incredible 502 feet away from home plate and on June 9, 1946, Ted Williams,”The Splendid Splinter” hit a home run to it, setting a park record that still stands. Williams was one of the greatest hitters of all time with a batting average of .344 and 1,798 runs. After his retirement (his last at-bat was a homerun at Fenway), he wrote the influential (and bea...

Mapping The World

Interactive, custom maps are a fun and useful tool and I’ve wound up making a bunch of them — from explaining birch bark scrolls created in the 1840sto the widely used 270 to Win app* as seen in the Washington Post and 538.com. Typically, maps and other interactive visualizations are built into a client’s larger website. Oftentimes, I’ll write my code to only require a single div element so that it easily and quickly fits into the overall design. This particular map was built to displ...

Connecting the Dots

This tool was built for a client whose business revolved around AI-classification of “big data” where the goal is to assign “things” to categories. They wanted to illustrate how the categories themselves were related to each other — because of similarities within them. For instances, canoes and kayaks are “closer together” than either one is to sailboats. To use: Click in the open area to create a circle that represents a cluster of data. The default is that the colors are determined by the position where you clicked. To start with, it is assumed that all members within a single...


Data dashboards are convenient, powerful ways to explore real-time business data. I’ve made them for a gold mining company in Australia, a department store chain, several banks, and a hospital system. Unfortunately, dashboards are difficult to share for the same reasons they are so fun to make and use. They typically are developed with live, proprietary data from the client’s servers which allows us to quickly see insights, filter data, or make on-the-fly calculations.

STEM resources

I’ve developed a variety of animated, interactive, and accurate tools for use in STEM education and research. Through Carnegie Institute funding, I developed a statistics package for use in undergraduate courses. I’ve also developed tools for solving partial differential equations, and for use in physics and geoscience classrooms. I’ve also supported start up companies developing: earthquake prediction tools through “shake data” collected by cell phones throughout a region and a company developing lon...